Frequently Asked Questions
E-Solar Panel Installation Instructions

To install the Solar Panel with the E-Port Wall plate
The solar panel must be located as per the instructions that are supplied with the panel.
Once the appropriate site has been selected run the twin wires from the solar panel to the wall plate.
There are four terminals on the back of the wall plate.
The outer two terminals connect the charging circuit
to the controller when it is placed in the wall plate.
The inner two terminals are used to connect the
motor loom. Refer to the photo.
When solar charging is used the panel must be
connected to the charging terminals (marked
“Charge +”and “Charge –“). A simple way to do this is
to use the wiring from the standard charging circuit
that is present in the wall plate.
To connect the panel to a WALLPLATE follow the steps detailed below.
1) Start by removing the charging jack from the clips holding it in place on the wall plate. Next cut the red and black wires about 5mm from the solder joints. Refer to the photo.
This will leave two free wires that are connected to the wall plate. These can be used to connect to the wires running from the solar panel.
2) Using the connectors provided with the panel connect the BLACK wire from the solar panel to the BLACK wire on the WALLPLATE.

3) Fully insert the two BLACK wires into the connector.
To ensure the insulation is pierced and a connection is made between the two wires they must be fully inserted as shown.

4) Next, crimp the connector using multigrips.
The orange button must be flush with the body of
the connector and sitting flat, as shown. This is to
ensure that a good connection between the wires
is made
5) In a similar manner connect the RED wire on the solar panel to the RED wire on the WALLPLATE.
Use a multimeter to test the connection of the solar panel by checking that a DC VOLTAGE can be measured across the wall plate charging terminals. This voltage should be approximately +14V DC to +24V DC.
Use a multimeter to test the connection of the solar panel by checking that a DC VOLTAGE can be measured across the wall plate charging terminals. This voltage should be approximately +14V DC to +24V DC.